Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Critical Review Hospitality management

Question: Describe about Roger Shu and Suosheng Wang study on CVBs? Answer: This paper will look at the two journals namely, Roger Shu and Suosheng Wang study on CVBs in China taking Hangzou as the destination, published in the year 2012 and Young Sun Shin paper on visitors motivations and destination image taking Korea as a destination, published in the year 2009. Both well versed research with strong discussions that leads to a probable conclusion, yet both have failed to express the final solution in terms of the study. This will be further iterated through a critical review of both these journals. The selection of these journals is done based on the fact that both of them give views and opinions for conventional tourism development in the same region. Whilst YoungSun Shins study is a little extensive in terms of the regional aspect, the other journal gives more insight onto a more segmented approach. For the critical view, conceptual approach, methodology and also the practical implementations shall be discussed in the later sections. YoungSun Shins report lists the methodology of self completion questionnaires and he argues that it is the best method for inferring the desired results. Shin S Young(2009. P-8) states that questionnaires are tried and tested method of getting the most reliable resposes, he infers this from the journal by Hurst, 1994 which argues towards its application and reliability. Youngs direct inference can be stated as a work of putting the conditional acceptance of his concept based on other writers of the same field. According to Shin this method will provide the necessary details for proper result in convention destinations in tourism. Wang R and Wang Ss study however infers that CVBs have been the driving force behind the attractive component of tourism and has been utilized quite efficiently by the Western countries which improved the destination image in terms of business. Wang R and Wang S (2012,p-53) states that the Western countries attraction as a destination for events and business summits are as a result of the key role given to the optimization of CVBs and its optimum role. They argue that without CVBs in place hardly any destination may fulfil the promise of being the first choice for many entrepreneurs. YoungSuns paper mentions that the questionnaire was restricted to five days and was done during a convention. This methodology has been utilized as per the survey instrument used by Crompton and May (1997) featuring motivating and demographic information. This may be argued as a tested and tried instrument in most cases. Again Wang and Shu suggest in their findings that CVBs can be given the full creditability for extending the tourism marketability and for banding a desirable destination. YoungSun Shins findings are aptly put in terms of his conceptualization for the purpose of building a more conventional tourist destination and his findings resonate with the region of his study as a whole. His study seems applicable to the whole region of the South-East Asia and Pan Asia as a whole. Wang and Shu also provide the necessary views and findings that can be deemed fit as per their study for bringing in more of a branding and in the increment in the business aspect of the conventional tourism, however in a segmented way. YoungSun Shin states that differentiated marketing strategies must be implanted, with segmented approach being the definitive approach. He identified that motivation is the problem in literature that will have a lasting effect on the conventional tourism technique. The lack of motivation may lead to the lapse of destinations being branded as an apt place for event management. Segmentation(2009:31) is based on the model of McClearly, 1995 that derives its inference from multi-group data analysis. Wang and Shu on their part have identified lack of Public Private Partnership in the field of tourism in China that renders the business more political rather than money. The problem identified is the strong arm of CNTA(2012:56) which does not allow a more dynamic approach towards the conventional tourism techniques and healthy event management. Although they cite Vallee,2008 for their purpose of bringing a more clearer picture of the dependency of the tourism industry butt from the work of V allee a conducive decision or solution cannot be reached. As the authors are taking only a segregated view it is not justified. Similarly YoungSunShin cited McClearly,1995 and Formica and Uysal, 1998 for his problem his final findings may not be conducive to other regions of the world because all these studies have been done on a more closed and segmented way. To reach to these conclusive results YoungSun Shin does an extensive study on motivation for which he collects data through the five day convention from different individuals present. The data is analysed as on clusters with motivation kept as the key. These datas were collected as in questionnaires of which 85% usable data was collected. Using the collected data the theory was thus formulated towards the primary conclusion. This is an achievement as the number of respondents were above the average number that may have been required. The response rate of above 70% is commendable with it being segregated in terms of age, sex and motivators. However many issues must be addressed for this methodology. First self administered questionnaires focuses only on the motivational feature of the conventional tourism and event management and leaving other aspects, during the study it may be noted that Shins focus on the key factor becomes a formality rather than a stringent approach. Wang and Shu in their findings state that they have realised four sections of an organization operating around China which has utilized CVBs functionality to its best possible way and henceforth have added to their business successes. However they have reached this conclusion based on a comparative study and not through any data evaluation. This renders a doubt in the authenticity of the result as in many cases than naught comparative study may very well be inconclusive. The segregated methodology of YoungSun Shin and the segmented and comparative methodology of Wang and Shumake it very hard for anyone to have a conclusive affirmative on their findings, although the initial concept is of tremendous value as both of them can be cited for further study based on these two methods. Lastly it may be safe to state that for a region of South East Asia these methodology and findings may very well prove to be the initial thrust needed on the conventional tourism and event management theories and practices. References 1. Shin, Y.S. (2009). Examining the link between Visitors motivations and Convention Destination Image. An International Multidisciplinary Journal of Tourism, Volume 4(2). 29-452. Wang, S. and Shu, R.(2012). Call for fully functional and distinct CVBs in China: a case of Hangzou.Journal of the college of Tourism and Hotel Management, Special Issue, pp-52-64.3. Bailey, A.W., and Fernando, I.K. (2012). 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